Dear Valued Clients,
To enhance your trading experience, we will be performing a historical data compression for all Cent Accounts on the MT4 Live 1 server (STARTRADERINTL-Live) and Live 2 server (STARTRADERINTL-Live2). This process is scheduled to take place on March 15, 2025.
Please be advised that this will affect the visibility of historical data on the MT4 trading platform for Cent Accounts associated with the Live 1 and Live 2 server.
Moving forward, the standard procedure for accessing historical trading records of your Cent Account(s) will be as follows:
· Order records of the recent 3 months will be directly accessible in your MT4 Cent Trading Account(s).
· Order records older than 3 months may be archived depending on the server’s performance. If server capacity allows, records may remain accessible for a longer period before being archived. For any archived records, please contact our dedicated support team, and we will assist you accordingly.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please email us at or connect with us via Live Chat at
Thank you for your support!
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